Guided Meditation
This guided audio meditation is only seven minutes only, with 4 - 5 minute of stillness. Surrounded by soothing music - that is reminiscent of the soundtrack of a spa day- pamper your soul with this easy gratitude meditation.
The 30-second Gratitude Pop-Up
Don’t have 10 minutes? it’s not a problem. Create a day with a few 30 second pop-ups. Set your alarm, look up or move away from what you are doing and look around you. What do you appreciate? Let the warm glow of appreciation sit with you for 30 seconds and then return to what you were doing. At the very end of the day, recall as many of the things you can that you appreciated. If you enjoy the practice, increase the number of pop-ups in your day.
Writing a Letter Gratitude Practice
This short video gives you information on this traditional practice and how to make it your own.
Journal Prompts
There are many excellent journal prompts available on-line to support your gratitude practice. Here are 5 to get you started.
Gratitude for Kids
PositivePsychology.com has a great resource for gratitude practices for children including 27 gratitude books, videos prompts and activities.