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coach Linda Rhoads

Hi!  I'm Linda.


I have a passion for supporting people through change, growth and personal and professional development. I spent most of my career leading different teams and supporting people in finding their own professional path. I started coaching as a sideline in 2019  and quickly decided to make a career pivot to coach full-time.

I've always been purpose-driven and early on I knew I needed to connect with something meaningful to me. Pretty quickly purpose took me to public higher education. Having grown up in a rural area, with very vew resources, I wanted to support expanded access to people commonly excluded from educational opportunities. And after working in a bureaucracy for a while, I also wanted to create teams that were engaged, innovative, and thriving.


My career was fueled by curiosity and purpose and, unfortunately, also by high-octane imposter syndrome.  For years, every step I took was based on fear and energized by a need to not fail.  I'd set conditions for failure (e.g., impossible timelines, under-resourced projects) and do everything I could to pull it off.  Which I often did, but it came at a cost. My health, my relationships with others, and my relationship with myself were all impacted.


In time I was able to rid myself of my deep-seated imposter syndrome and ruthless inner critic. This allowed me the freedom to see that my passion had run its course. With the imposter gone, I had the courage to make a move.  I started coaching in 2019.

Purpose shifts and changes. It burns brightly until it no longer does. If you are purpose-driven, the key is to find the matches and light a new flame. If you have an overactive inner critic, it's also important to be able to see beyond the fear of the unknown.


For me, my passion is now supporting people to access the best within themselves to gain clarity about their options. Finding confidence in their ability to live their own brand of a successful life. Simply put, I help people thrive at work and in life.

My Coaching Background

I've been coaching all my life. At work, I would be sought out, informally by new leaders and colleagues. But as far back as I can remember, I was the person you could tell anything and know it was held with compassion. Helping you to work through whatever was in your way.


Coaching is a part of who I am. I help people connect the dots in different ways and provide space where they can speak their truth, feel encouraged, deeply heard, and able to see their possibilities.  But in addition to my natural inclination, I'm also an ICF Professional Certified Coach. 


This simply means I've studied, trained, and been observed, evaluated, and tested to ensure that I coach to an internationally recognized standard.



In 2019 I enrolled in Martha Beck's  Wayfinder Coach Training, where I learned fantastic tools from this best-selling self-help guru and her amazing team.  In 2020 I started to develop my coaching business and I realized that for me, certification from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), was important.  After searching for a program where I felt I could continue to learn and grow, I enrolled in Whole Person Coaching, developed by Feroshia Knight,  an excellent teacher and a superb coach.


Both programs were incredible.  One with more focus on eastern and indigenous tools, the other steeped in neuropsychology.  For me the intersection of the philosophies is clear, and they create the foundation for my own coaching practice.


My philosophy is that I have to meet people with tools that work for them, making it imperative that I remain open to discovering and adopting different approaches.


In the Summer of 2024, I went on a quest for research and tools that acknowledge today's challenges and possibilities.  By September 2024, I will have completed:

  • Feminine Power Coaching Techniques, with Dr. Claire Zammit

  • Trauma-Informed Coaching Certification Program with my alma mater, CTW.

  • Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Trainings, through the ICF

  • Positive Psychology & Emotional Intelligence Theory for Coaches


coach Linda Rhoads in nature

If you'd like to ask anything, just send me a note or book a 30-minute breakthrough session. There are no obligations, plus it's free and a surprisingly easy conversation.

Whole Person Coaching Badge
Trauman Informed Badge
professional certified coach


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